Tuesday, August 25, 2009

20 Weeks Down... halfway there!

I can't believe that we are already halfway through our pregnancy. Time is just flying by!

This week, I have really started to feel some movement, and every time it makes me so excited. At first I wasn't really sure what I was feeling, but over the last couple of days it has become more and more obvious. The movements feel like tiny tummy rumbles, or little muscle twitches from within. Today I got the weirdest sensation when I was kicked in the back of the belly button. Having my belly button touched is a weird feeling anyway, but from the inside it feels even weirder. I am so excited to get that first big kick!

Scott and I seem to be forever busy! We had so much fun this past weekend at our friend's Jeff and Santral's wedding in Tri-Cities. It was very hot, but absolutely beautiful, and we definitely got our dance on. I could barely see my ankle bones when I woke up Sunday morning, probably due to combination of the heat and all of my dance moves. Totally worth it though, because we had such a great time and loved being a part of Jeff and Santral's special day.

Monday I had a follow up appointment with my doctor to go over my ultrasound and quad screen results. The good news is that it looks like everything looks great and so far mommy and baby seem very healthy. At 19 weeks our little girl came in weighing an approximate 10 oz with a strong heat beat of 145 bmp. Both tests showed no sign of Down Syndrome or any other chromosome abnormality. All very reassuring to hear! As in every check up, Dr. Delorit also took my weight and measurements of my uterus. She let me know that my weight gain is normal, but definitely starting to pick up. She also showed me where the top of my uterus hits. Apparently I'm carrying this baby very high, which could probably be partly because I have such a short torso and why I seem to be showing so soon.

Now that we know we are having a little girl, it has been a lot of fun to window shop for baby stuff. I have even started working on a baby registry with Babies R Us. The only problem with window shopping is seeing how expensive everything is. The cost of having a baby can be a little overwhelming at times, but I am really trying to do my best not to stress. Scott and I are doing our best to save and stick to the essentials.

Thanks for taking the time to check in with us this week!


  1. Time is flying by so fast. It seems like a week ago we just found out. Whitney is going strong and I am very proud of her. She is going to be a great Mom.
