Tuesday, September 8, 2009

22 Weeks!

I just finished up my 22nd week of pregnancy and am happy to officially be 5 months pregnant and moving into the 6th. I can't believe how quickly time is passing us by. In just 4 months we'll be able to meet our little girl for the first time!

This week I have been having some very different dreams. I've noticed dreaming a lot more since I've been pregnant, but I've definitely had some weird ones lately. The other night I had a dream that I was a terrible mother and that I had left our baby with some strangers at a basketball game. I also had a dream that I gave birth to her early and decided she wasn't quite done, so I had the doctor put her back. I seem to be having lots of weird dreams about the baby, probably due to hormones or something. Hopefully none of them mean anything :)

The biggest change in this week has been the amount of movement that I have been feeling. I feel her kicking all the time, and I've even gotten to feel some pretty big kicks from the outside too. She seems to move the most when I start to get hungry or right before I go to bed. Then once I'm done eating and my food has all settled, she relaxes and goes to sleep. I guess she's like her momma in that way. We like our big meals and then naps right after.

This past weekend was a lot of fun and really relaxing. Scott and I managed to finished our registry and even bought some baby clothes while we were there. We're starting to accumulate a little pile of baby stuff in our living room that will be hanging out there until Steve moves out towards the end of the month. I am getting so excited for putting her nursery together. Other than our registry outing, Scott and I pretty much just relaxed. Sunday was perfect, after church we just laid around watching movies all day. I'm excited for more relaxing rainy days with Scott this fall. I guess we better enjoy them while we can.

Thanks for all your continued support and prayers. We feel so blessed to have such amazing friends and family.

1 comment:

  1. Whit, I laughed really hard on the dream part. I'm so excited. I may or may not have purchased something for Baby Davis already...
