Wednesday, October 28, 2009

29 weeks!

I've officially completed my 29th week of pregnancy, and all I can say is that I feel huge. I truely believe that there are two types of pregnant women, the ones that glow and look absolutely radiant, and the ones that get huge all over. Unfortunately, I'm the latter of the two and I've gotten huge all over. My face is bigger, my theighs are bigger, I'm really just bigger all over. Even some of my maternity clothes are starting not to fit. I truely hope that this baby weight comes off someday!

As for our little girl, she seems to be loving every buttery little morsal that I put in my mouth. I love feeling her dance around after I've eaten. She seems to especially like spicy food, maybe she'll take after her momma that way.

In our last doctor's appointment, we learned that I don't have gestational diabetes, which is absolutely great news. We also went in for our last ultrasound and got to see baby girl move about and check on her kidneys. For now, it looks like her kidneys are just on the bigger side, but nothing to be too alarmed about. The technician seemed to get a little frustrated with our little bundle of joy because she kept twisting and turning about, there were even a couple of times that she kicked the ultrasound want... so funny!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

28 weeks!

28 down, 12 (or so) more to go... the countdown begins!

This past week was full of celebrations. We celebrated Scott's 26th birthday and my mom threw me a baby shower. I can't believe all of the great gifts that we got from our family and friends. This baby girl is already spoiled, and I feel like I am too. It was a great excuse to have a party with family and friends and catch up on everyone's lives, not to mention talk about babies and baby stuff. Unfortunately Scott had to wait to see all of baby girl's loot, because he was away on a hunting trip, putting all of his birthday presents to good use.

I always miss Scott when he's away, but I felt like it was even harder this past weekend. Maybe it's the pregnancy hormones or something, but I could not wait for him to get back. I was so happy when he decided to come back a day early!

We celebrated Scott's birthday on Monday with Monday night football, and a doctor's appointment. The worst part of our appointment was drinking my glucose drink for my glucose tolerance test. Ugh... it said that it was fruit punch flavored, but it was just plain nasty. I barely got it all down, and really had to focus on not letting it all come back up. Other than that, everything still looks good. I seem to be measuring on the big side, so it will be interesting to see what baby girl looks like when we go in for our next ultrasound on Thursday. I'll be sure to give an update with the glucose and ultrasound results once they're in.

The third trimester is starting to set in, and I'm really starting to feel huge. I can't believe that I still have 12 weeks to go. I don't know how much more I can grow. I definately feel like I've moved out of that "cute pregnant" phase and more into just the big phase. My ankles are always swollen now, and my single stretch mark has multiplied. The next couple of weeks are going to be a little rough, but at least there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I can't wait to meet our baby girl.

The Grandma to be and I at the shower.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Just about 27 weeks down

I seem to be getting worse and worse about making sure I get my weekly post in. I just can't believe how busy we've been, not to mention how tired I've been. With my big ol' belly, aching back, leg cramps and bathroom trips, sleeping has gotten tough. I guess this is nature's way of preparing me for what's to come.

This week marks the beginning of my third trimester! We're actually 2/3 of the way there and I can't believe it. I feel like we have so much to do in in the next three months to get ready for this little girl. We've started in on the nursery by painting and ordering some of the furniture, but there is still so much to do. I can't wait to see it all done, and better yet, with a baby in it! The next 3 months are going to go by fast!

This week, I've been feeling like a giant. I've been growing a ton, and even have my first stretch mark to prove it. Luckily, I have a loving husband that has been willing to rub cocoa butter on my huge belly every night since. I laugh every time because it makes me feel like a giant butter ball turkey being greased up for Thanksgiving dinner. Other than my stretch mark, I've been getting more and more back aches and weird muscle cramps in my legs. The weight of my belly also has me going to the bathroom more frequently again. It's crazy to think that I still have a ton of growing to go. I just don't know how much bigger I can get.

This big ol' belly of mine has given me some new physical restrictions that I am still getting used to. Last Thursday, I climbed back into our closet under the stairs and actually got stuck. I have no idea how I got in, but once I was there I actually needed help to get out. Beyond that, I can barely tie my own shoes without sitting down and getting out of breath. And I still have 3 months to go! I mostly try to laugh these little things off because they're all for a good cause, but it can be a little tough on the self esteem to get so big so quickly.

Scott and I are so thankful for all the great support we have been getting from our family and friends. We are truly blessed as is this baby girl to have all of you in our lives. Thank you for stopping by to read more about our journey to parenthood.

Here is a great pic of Scott working hard on baby girl's room.

All three of us at Cannon Beach this past weekend.

This weeks belly photo... can't believe how big I've gotten.