Friday, November 20, 2009

32 weeks and livin large

Wow... I can't believe that I'm already 8 months pregnant. Only 8 more weeks to go. I don't know who started the rumor that women are only pregnant for 9 months... I'm no math wiz, but I know that 40 weeks divided by the 4 weeks in a month is 10.

These days, I've definately feeling big. I'm having a hard time with all of the pressure on my insides. I've actually been getting sick more and more due to acid reflex and indigestion. I've woken up a couple times in the middle of the night choking on my own stomach acid... not fun!

On a brighter note, we got to experience some baby joy this week. Tyler and Shermin Davidson (our old neighbors) gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. I was so excited that they envited us to visit them in the hospital. She is absolutely perfect and so tiny. I actually got to hold her for a while, and she fell asleep in my arms... so sweet! I can't wait until baby girl comes so that they can be best friends together.

Well, unfortunately, that's about all the energy I have for this post. I'm getting worse and worse at keeping up with this, but I'm doing my best!

Here is a belly pic of me at just over 32 weeks.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

31 weeks... Hello Braxton Hicks!

Week 31 has been full of fun... and Braxton Hicks contractions. I've actually had so much concern about them that I called my doctor about them. Luckily I had an appointment scheduled for Friday, and she was able to check me and tell me that everything looks good.

Our baby girl sure is growing and still twisting and turning about. At my appointment the doctor could hardly get her heartbeat because she was twisting, kicking and punching so much. My stomach was moving in waves. The doctor could also tell that she is getting much bigger. Right now, her head is down and she's facing my back. Sometimes I can feel her stretch out against my back and her little butt pokes out just above my belly button. I can't wait to see her little baby butt for the first time, I can already tell that it's going to be a cute one.

We're starting to get closer on her nursery, but it still feels like we have a lot of work to do. We've been lucky enough to be blessed with so many hand me down baby clothes, not to mention all of those that friends and family have bought us. She is going to be a very well dressed little lady. I can't believe how cute some of the stuff is. Everything is adorable when it's that tiny.

Scott read somewhere that when I'm about to go into labor that I'll start cleaning and nesting a bunch. So, naturally, every time I've picked up the vacuum, or done a load of laundry lately he has asked me if I'm "nesting." It's great to have a husband that is so in tuned and cares so much, but sometimes it really just makes me laugh.

I'm getting more and more anxious to have this little girl in our lives. I can't wait to kiss her, and hold her for the very first time. Pregnancy has been a very interesting journey for Scott and I, and I'm starting to think about some of the parts that I'll miss. I am so going to miss feeling her kick inside of me. I can sit forever and just feel her wiggle in my tummy. Of course, there are also so many aspects to pregnancy that I wont be missing so much.

Most of all, I am just so excited to bring this little girl into the world. I pray that I can be the mom that she deserves. Already, I have so much love for her, it's incredible.

Belly pic for this week... looking huge!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

30 weeks and feeling GIANT!

Week 30 really hasn't been too different from week 29. Last week, I felt big, this week I feel bigger. I guess that has been the only difference.

Our little baby girl is still twisting, turning and kicking about tons. Her kicks are pretty strong these days and sometimes even hurt a little. I can tell that she's growing and getting stronger each day. I absolutely love feeling her move, I sometimes even try to wake her up if I haven't felt her move in a while. Usually with a couple of jiggles she's up and bouncing around again.

I seriously get more excited and fall more in love with this baby girl every day. I don't know if it's the hormones or what, I am starting to feel like a real sap. I'm turning into my mom... or maybe even worse than my mom. The other day I was listening to a sappy Country song about having a daughter and actually starting crying. It's crazy to think that I haven't even met her, and I'm already so in love with her.

All the stretch marks, getting sick, back pain and other annoying parts of pregnancy are going to be completely worth it when I get to see her face for the first time. Baby girl, I love you already!