I can't believe that Jordyn is 4 weeks old today. Time is flying by way too fast. The days and nights have been full of feedings and diaper changes and tons of snuggling. Jordyn's favorite place to sleep is right on Daddy's chest... she just loves that skin to skin contact. It's only dangerous when she's hungry and starts rooting around for a boob... lol.
Baby girl is definitely an eater. I can tell that she has put on some weight. Last week she graduated to a size 1 diaper, growing out of the newborn ones. She is also wearing 0-3 month clothing, as most of her newborn clothes are just too tight.
Jordyn definitely has her own personality and has a lot of manurisms that just crack me up. So far most of the noises she makes are grunts and snorts. We joke that she sometimes sounds like a pug. This is especially true when she is really hungry and starts her rooting. Jordyn also enjoys blowing spit bubbles, sometimes so big, that they pop and get all over her face.
Basically, she is the love of our life, and we couldn't be happier to have her.