Our sweet baby girl is 6 months old today and I can hardly believe it. I honestly can't remember what life was like without her. She has been such a blessing to Scott and I.
The past month has been crazy. It's been full of ups and downs for our family and has made me realize how important it is to cherish every day that we have on this earth together. I'm trying my hardest not to take anything for granted, especially my relationships with my family and friends, and everything that encompasses being a mommy. Every feeding, every dirty diaper, every spit up... it's all part of being a mommy and I'm so thankful that I have a beautiful baby girl to take care of and teach her about all the wonders of the world.
For those of you that I don't talk to every day, you might be thinking that this is nice and all, but where is this all coming from. Sadly, last week I was faced with the harsh reality that life is short. One of my closest friends passed away suddenly from a car accident. I grew up with Natasha, we played soccer and softball together, we danced together and she was my partner in crime for multiple family trips. As we got older, I have to admit that we became lazy friends, each with our own separate lives. We didn't spend nearly as much time together, but that didn't matter. She was one of those best friends, that months could go by, and the second we reunited it was like no time had passed at all. Unfortunately, she never met Jordyn. I'm still struggling with the idea that she is gone, and sad knowing that Jordyn will never know her crazy auntie Tasha. Her memory will forever live on in my heart, and I'm truly thankful for the years that we had together. Natasha was a beautiful woman, that could light up any room the second that she walked in. Losing her has really shown me how fragile and precious life really is.
So with all of that, friends and family, please understand why I might hug you a little harder and a little longer, and that when I tell you I love you, I mean it and I need you to know.
Through all of this sadness, Jordyn really has been my little saving grace. Just one little (mostly) gummy smile from her can really brighten my day. I say "mostly gummy" because Jordyn has gotten her first tooth!... and her second! Her first bottom left side tooth popped up on July 11th and her second was quickly to follow on July 16th! I can't believe she already has teeth! It is amazing how quickly they grow and mature. She is getting so strong and grabbing on to everything. She loves to pull hair, and necklaces and will lunge her entire body in the direction of an object that she wants. Diaper changes have become daily wrestling matches sometimes resulting in poo all over... fun right? Jordyn can roll across the room in the blink of an eye, and often does so that she can go after an object that she is ever so curious about. Yesterday, for the first time, I noticed she had worked herself up on all fours and was rocking. She is incredibly close to crawling. Jordyn continues to amaze scott and I, she really is growing up right before our very eyes, as cheesy as that sounds.
Lately, Jordyn has really enjoyed her exersaucer and tummy time. At daycare, she loves to work out her quads with the help of the Johnny Jump Up. Jordyn love to jump, and it's so adorable when she gets all excited and out of breath doing it. We have started to explore different menu options with Jordyn over the past month, and so far she has loved sweet potatoes and bananas. There hasn't been really anything that she has protested to when it comes to food, but she always makes a very funny face when trying something new. I'm glad that we caught Jordyn's first sweet potatoes on video, which was an incredibly messy and hilarious event. She was literally covered in orange potatoes. Luckily I saw this coming and had already stripped her down to her diaper, it was straight to the bath as soon as she was done.
I can't believe we have a 6 month old baby girl. God has truly blessed our lives with Jordyn.