Tuesday, July 21, 2009

15 weeks!

Week 15 was a good week, and we are getting more and more excited for this baby every day.

This weekend we went camping with Scott's company up at Deception Pass and it was beautiful. I love camping, but I think it is safe to say that I am all camped out as of now. We have been out of town for the last 3 weekends in a row, and every single weekend has included a bon-fire and lots of sun. Unfortunately, I am not able to enjoy the sun like I did pre-pregnancy, I think mostly due to hormones. Instead of getting a nice tan, I burn and get a headache... not fun!

I've started to feel better and better this week, less getting sick, and less headaches. However, I still seem to be exhausted all the time. I have also noticed that my brain isn't functioning very well lately. A friend at work told me that there is actually a term that people call this during pregnancy, it's called "pregnancy brain." Maybe it's because I'm always tired, or that I have so much on my mind, or maybe it's just all of the crazy hormones. Whatever it is, it's made me feel a little loopy all week.

Scott and I have made it a point lately to go on a walk almost every night. I'm hoping that this little form of exercise will keep me in somewhat of shape throughout my pregnancy. For some reason I have this fear of gaining 1 million pounds because all I seem to crave are carbs and baked goods. At this point I'm mostly in my smaller maternity pants and cramming myself into my regular work pants with the help of a Bee Band. Really, I don't feel like any of my clothes are looking good on me these days, I'm excited for my gut to turn more into a baby belly.

Here is my weekly snapshot... things are starting to grow...

We are just starting to look into child care, and finding it a bit overwhelming. There are so many decisions, and all of them seem to be so expensive. Luckily we have time to find a place, or person that will be great, it's just such a big decision.

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