Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Week 40!

My official due date has come and gone... but baby girl is still in my belly! This past Monday January 11th was officially my due date, but unfortunately we didn't have any exciting news for the world.

At Monday's doctor's appointment we were told that I am officially 1 and a half cenimeters dialated, but still about 70% effaced. About 50% of women go past their due date, and I have officially become one of them. Because baby girl is measuring on the larger side, we have decided to set up a date for induction. She has until Monday morning to decide to come into this world, or it looks like the decision is going to be made up for her :). Everyone jokes that she just wants to show up fashionably late, or that this is her first act of being stubborn. Whatever she's doing, I just hope she decides to come soon because I really don't want to have to go through the induction process.

In the mean time, Scott and I have been doing everything in our power to encourage her out. I have been eating the spiciest food I can get my hands on. Unfortunately, this has only given me burning lips and heart burn. We have tried walking... and more walking... and even more walking. This has actually given me some more of the braxton hicks contractions, but unfortunately no real ones. We have also tried eating a ton of pineapple, driving on bumpy roads and pressure points (thanks to Google). But so far nothing...

Since she had decided to come late, I've more tests taken just to make sure that she's still thriving in her little enviornment. We got to see baby girl on the ultrasound again to check my fluid levels. I can't believe how big she's gotten! She can't even fit more than half of her body up on the screen at one time. It was fun to see that she actually has a lot of hair. I had been wondering if she would have hair, because I had a ton when I was born, but Scottie was completely bald. I also got to sit through a non-stress test. This was actually kind of fun because we got to measure the babies heartbeats while she was moving around along with my contractions. I actually had a couple of decent sized contractions while hooked up to the monitors which was fun to see.

I'll have to go in again for another non-stress test on Friday, and then I will also go in on Sunday to get prepped for induction on Monday. I'm a little bit nervous for Sunday's appointment because I'll be getting what's called a Foley catheder put in. This will sit right on my cervix and help to dialate it a little bit more so that it responds better to the pitocin that they'll be giving me for the induction. I'm just not excited for the amount of discomfort that I'll be feeling Sunday night before I go into labor on Monday. Hopefully it wont be too bad so I can try and get some rest for the big day.

As we get closer and closer to meet our baby girl, Scott and I are just finishing up the final preperations for her arrival. Her room is finally done! The car seat is officially installed. Our bags are definitely packed and in the back of Scott's truck. Most importantly, she has a name! Jordyn Marie Davis... please show us your face. Pretty much all systoms are a go, now we just need baby to arrive.

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